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N. Scott Momaday and the Sense of the sacred
Prix TTC, livraison non comprise

by Joëlle Rostkowski

A Native Poet and artist, a univeral voice

Preface by Philippe Ratte,

Introduction by W. Richard West Jr


This book brings a deeply informed international perspective on the work and life of N. Scott Momaday, UNESCO Artist for Peace, poet, novelist, storyteller, playwright and painter. In 1969, firstAmerican Indian to win the Pulitzer Prize for House Made of Dawn, Momaday paved the way for the recognition of several generations of gifted Native American writers.Momaday’s voice has contributed to a better understanding and greater visibility of Native American cultures, communities, and traditions beyond regional and national borders.

ISBN : 978-2-84668-621-1 - Format 26 x 21 cm - 182 pages - 30 €

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